Category Archives: Lockdown

Extroverts and the lockdown

I am creating the blog in an effort to keep some humour and levity – this is not to undermine the seriousness of the situation nor to dismiss the efforts of our frontline workers who are keeping us safe. It is an effort to look at the funnier side, to keep up (my spirits) and to provide some humour.

Most of my close friends and workmates know me as an extrovert, and perhaps social butterfly. A friend mentioned the other day how the extroverts are really struggling in the lockdown – and, at last introverts are coming into their own. So here are my 10 reasons why we extroverts are perhaps struggling…

  1. It’s not about me…
  2. Social Butterfly opportunities are severely limited. Those who are (fortunate or unfortunate enough) to live with you – do not necessarily find those jokes funny especially because you have to tell them to the same person over an over again. Introverts apparently find this annoying 😉
  3. Your love of discussion – especially mad cap theories that aren’t really theories at all but just the opportunity to talk out loud again fall a little flat with limited audiences. Introverted partners really do look at you as if you are barking mad – until 4 days later when ‘their’ idea is suddenly actioned… Excruciating for the extrovert
  4. It really isn’t about you….
  5. Energy – where does the boundless enthusiasm (for above mad cap projects) go? There are so many ovens (1) that you can clean or projects that don’t involve attention to detail that you can attempt. Occupational psychologist friends – I am mixing up traits here but allow me the license.
  6. When taking daily exercise – the normal dog walkers won’t, can’t stop for the obligatory chat or maybe this is the perfect excuse to avoid us…
  7. It still isn’t about you
  8. Spontaneity is now the choice between well… exactly!
  9. Those rumbustious, noisy debates, friendly but animated – the dog just doesn’t cut it. He just wants a walk
  10. It still isn’t about you…

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Filed under extroverts, Lockdown, Mental Health, Social Psychology